To translate, according to the Cambridge Dictionary, is “to put (something said or written) into another language”, although it actually is much more than just that. The translation process consists of a series of essential stages, i.e. documentation, sources collection, text preparation, proofreading…, as well as the conversion from one language to another. Likewise, both a meaning conversion and an ideas transformation from one culture to another must be carried out to ensure that the text will be understood in the same way as when reading the original text. My services of specialized translation have come about in order to…

Editing involves checking the quality of a translation. This way, we guarantee both consistency of the text and the appropriate semantics. Proofreading is the process in which we verify that grammar, terminology and spelling of the text—which might have been previously translated— are correct.
Transcription lies in turning a video or audio message into a written document which might be translated or kept in the source language. Transcreation is the technique that merges translation and creation. Ideal for advertising and marketing material.
I also offer other types of services to adapt myself to your needs: ✓ Translation of websites. ✓ Private language lessons (online and on site). ✓ Voiceover. ✓ Translation project management in other language combinations: From Spanish into other languages (English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan, Chinese, Russian, etc.). From other languages (English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan, Chinese, Russian, etc.) into Spanish. Cross-combinations between the aforementioned (i.e. French into English or Portuguese into German). ✓ Transcreation. ✓ Audiovisual translation. ✓ Language consultancy. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about my services. I will reply your…